Date submitted: 02 Mar 2023 12:55 PM

We've got some very exciting news for you, and for once, no Chelsea footballers are involved:

MEW. The sound of a cat? or the best live band in the world.
Cats are not permitted at TRUCK, except for farmer Alan Binning's cat, so it's safe to say that it is the sound of the latter you will be hearing on the Saturday night at TRUCK 13. Yes indeed.
Check out this clip of the band live in Copenhagen. 

You will not be hearing this sound at any other UK summer festival either: this is an exclusive appearance for you Truckers. More names to come soon, of course, but now is the time to secure your place at TRUCK.

Last year some of you might have been lucky enough to catch the secret set from Funk Tanker (aka fraNk turNer) well, guess what? He's now coming back to headline TRUCK's lil' bro WOOD.
Frank is dear to our heart, having played at Truck many times and recorded nearby, and his band are Oxford' s own Dive Dive (or Dustball depending on your age). He's probably the nicest 'punk' we know, and will be the perfect headline artist for WOOD joining a long list of letter-N-centric acts at WOOD: tuNNg, fioNN regaN (who rocked the Jericho last week with our own Champs as his backing outfit), martiN simpsoN, and daNNy aNd the champioNs of the world. We've also added cate le boN, an acoustic set from the caNdyskiNs, and peggy sue (no N for her).

Given this splendid lineup, I'm sure you'll agree it's well worth coming to both events; so why not save £30 by becoming a Supertrucker, and get in to TRUCK and WOOD for £120 (£90 if you're under 18). Supertruckers will receive speical treatment all weekend – including free Friday camping at TRUCK - and the utmost respect from their peers.

In other news, The WOOD posters and leaflets have arrived – with the vegetable ink actually filling our office with the smell of carrots (piccie) and we are heading out with them at this very moment - dropping them into local shops up and down the land. So, those non-Truckers will soon know all about WOOD: if it sells out before you get your tickets don't blame us - we warned ya!

Tickets are available HERE and HERE - or venture out to one of our local WOOD shop outlets (NB, these are in some cases different to the TRUCK outlets).

Somewhat Excited!

The Truckers