BBC Introducing Stage announced!
This year Truck will be partnering with BBC Oxford Introducing showcasing some of the best bands Oxford has to offer. Truck has always been at the centre of home grown talent and we are pleased to announce a roster of cutting edge rising stars. BBC Introducing is a nationwide initiative that aims to propel young talent to the national stage. For years (read more)
History Of Truck

This year Truck will be celebrating its fourteenth consecutive festival. Since the very beginning in 1998, Truck has been established as Oxford’s best music festival supporting the city’s infamous music (read more)
Liam Finn
First, something about fathers. Sometimes the children of famous musicians shy away from the family name - Zowie Bowie shunned music, went by his real name of Duncan Jones, and (read more)
Truck Stages Announced!
For over a decade Truck has been constantly evolving, updating and tweaking the many stages that are on offer. This year Truck 14 can boast its biggest expanse yet! Main (read more)
Boxford Dance Stage & Further Line-up Announcements!
In recent years Electronica has become a tour de force within the Oxford Music scene. Truck is a festival designed to cover all tastes and styles, so this year we (read more)